by Maita Herce Siquijor
“Work to learn, before you work to earn”. This paragraph title struck me as I read thru Gary Keller’s “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” , on the chapter on thinking a million as a start to real millions.
He emphasizes that the quality of preparations you make for
your real estate profession will greatly determine how high you will be able to climb.
There are real estate brokers and salespersons who take up this profession as a second career or a weekend job. Reasons for doing so are varied, ranging from a need to get e.g. additional support for college tuition, desire to live a certain lifestyle, or as a get-rich-quick solution to a host of money problems. They come into it with a ‘Ready, fire, aim” view.
Yet they wonder why they don’t consistently get leads, couldn’t close a sale well, or couldn’t sustain high production while others seem to do it effortlessly. The question is, “Did you plan to succeed, or did you simply just want to earn a quick buck?”
It’s different though when you talk of the breed of self-determined change agents. They are here for the long haul. They create the vision and map out ways to carry out the mission, practically perfectly. The learning edge is part of the goal, as well as the strategy. To them, learning is not a waste of selling time. They have the “Ready, Aim, Fire” view, where an ounce of preparation saves you tons of perspiration. And when they earn, they earn the exponential income of visionary, driven real estate superstars.
Note that the Millionaire Real Estate Agent presents one vision. But whatever your real estate vision is, make sure it’s clear to you what you want, and ensure that prepared to do your best to get it. Money comes and goes. But it’s also how you earn the money that matters, not only how much!
A third of this “Think-a-Million” formula deals with the mindset: Attitude and perspective. Keller lists nine specific categories. I’d like to cite his top two essential mindsets to be a top agent:
1) Think Powered by a Big Why–This is setting the crystal-clear vision. It focuses your energy big-time. It’s not about the money alone. That’s a fruit, not an end. Make sure you tune into your vision. And make sure you capture it in paper or in digital, where you can see it, review it, refine it, and embrace it over and over again!
2) Think Big Goals and Big Models– With a planted vision, grow it with lofty goals to further play it out. Model the system of action steps well to achieve it; big ideas need a good action plan to accomplish them. Then create habits of success to sustain it.
Gary further discusses four fundamental business models of the Millionaire Real Estate Agent that forms the entire system to lead you from thinking a million, earning a million, and eventually to netting a million:
1) The Lead-Generation Model- – This tracks the prospecting and marketing activities needed to gain sufficient & quality leads and appointments.
2) The Economic Model – This tracks gross commission income or revenue, cost of sales, operation expenses and net income.
3) The Budget Model – This helps you track and evalute the investments you make in your business.
4) The Organizational Model – This clarifies the division of responsibilities while working with a sales team.
What I appreciate about this is that it highlights how we as real estate service professionals can transform the individual real estate service practice into a full-fledged, sustainable business–if you have the vision and the desire to move that way.
I know that you’re reading thru this post while on-the-go. So to complete today’s learning moment, I’d like to share with you a video version of one of these modules, the Organizational Model, to give you an intro to both the book and the system. To me, this particular model is what will truly make the difference of growing your millions, consistently over time & well past your own efforts:
If learning is setting the ground to success then by all means, till the ground of your mind well. Learn as much as you can. Even while a real estate professional’s life is perpetually busy, there is nothing like making sufficient time to invest in knowledge, even a few minutes daily, to help you earn bigtime for a lifetime.
(P.S. We don’t sell copies of Gary Keller’s “The Millionaire Real Estate Sales Agent”. But there are copies available in your local bookstore, or order at )