Tuesday, March 10, 2009

EDITORIAL - Politics and real estate

Updated March 11, 2009 12:00 AM
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To a man used to taking calculated risks, all those yellow ribbons and shaved heads may appear sweet, but how much of the gesture Tomas Osmeña is willing to accept as sincere remains to be seen.

Osmeña is too battle-experienced to fall for that one, especially now that the next election is just around the corner. Osmeña is bright enough to know how valuable he is to the political fortunes of others.

He has realized that others have seen how his life-threatening disease can be parlayed into a very potent political weapon that can make or break political careers. Political magic can actually happen on his mere say-so, hence the rah-rah.

This is not to say there are not those who are truly sincere in wishing him well. But these others have long proven their sincerity in the earnestness of their prayers, prayers that seemed to have worked so well. No ribbon or lock of hair can match the power of prayer.

And so Osmeña may revel briefly in the midst of this display but is not going to dwell on it. He is going to plow right into whatever it is that prompted him to leave the relative safety of his American hospital bed.

One of those is certainly to untangle the emerging mess in his BOPK. Another is the SRP. Osmeña loves the SRP like a second wife that he actually abandoned a sure third term in the first chapter of his political career to devote time promoting it.

Now that the SRP has started to bear fruit, Osmeña has gotten so excited he seems to have overcome his ailment. He seems to have found a new lease on life. More than the politics, it is the real estate that overwhelms and exhilarates him.

Osmeña has realized that despite his own continued relevance, the Osmeña political sun has started to set, if it has not done so already. There are no more fresh Osmeñas capable of making a fresh run at politics. The way to the future is paved with so much real estate.

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