Saturday, May 26, 2012

What being global really means

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TODAY’S challenges demand global leaders. But what does “global’’ really mean? The old mantra “think global, act local’’ is woefully inadequate to describe the complex realities leaders face. Truly global leaders act as bridge builders, connecting resources and talent across cultural and political boundaries as they relentlessly seek new ways of creating value.
Arizona’s Thunderbird School of Global Management, where I serve as president, has conducted a broad study to find out how best to develop global leaders. My colleagues have conducted surveys of thousands of managers around the world and interviewed dozens of successful leaders. These efforts have helped us identify three critical skill sets for effective global leadership: global mindset, global entrepreneurship and global citizenship.

A global mindset allows leaders to connect with individuals and organizations across boundaries; an entrepreneurial spirit equips them to create value through those connections; and their citizenship drives them to make positive contributions to the communities with which they engage.
Leaders who possess a global mindset are able to interpret and decode situations from multiple, even competing points of view. They have an insatiable interest to learn about other cultures. They are knowledgeable about global economic and political issues and can grasp the complexity of international affairs. They’re also able to nurture relationships with friends and associates from around the world and have a unique ability to cultivate trust across cultural barriers.
Global leaders utilize these connections and their understanding of cultural nuance to connect people and resources in novel ways, whether their goal is to create a better or cheaper product, access a new pool of resources or serve a new market.
But, true global leaders are defined not only by their knowledge and connections, or the global opportunities they seize, but by how they contribute to the improvement of the multiple contexts in which they operate. True global leaders don’t exploit one community to benefit another. They don’t see business as a zero-sum game, but as a mechanism to bring about prosperity for everyone.
Globalization has brought unprecedented benefits to many—but not all. Hundreds of millions have escaped the dehumanizing effects of hunger and poverty. But hundreds of millions more remain trapped. Our ability to build a sustainable and inclusive world economy will depend on how well we train a new generation of global leaders.

Angel Cabrera is president of the Thunderbird School of Global Management, and president-elect of George Mason University. He is co-author, with Gregory Unruh, of Being Global: How to Think, Act, and Lead in a Transformed World.

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