Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How to Get the Most Out of a Live Seminar

by David Preston

There are many ways to launch your career in marketing.
Affiliate sales, list building, free give away events,
public relations firms and the list goes on and on.

It seems that just about everybody is looking for that
"magic bullet" that will launch their business into the
stratosphere. Is there such a thing?

Here are some real examples of the magic bullet some
saavy marketers are using to get off the ground fast.

Live events! If you do it correctly,live events are by
far the weapon of choice for many struggling marketers.

Just one connection at these events can put your business
far past what you could ever acheive on your own with years
of work. Those speaking at the events already have the list,
the connections and the clout to put you on the map fast!

To take advantage of a live event show up prepared. In other
words, have a deal already set up for you or your product
that makes it a real no-brainer to bring some of the big guns
onboard with you. Make it easy to say yes and make it as
"pushbutton" friendly as you can to distribute your product.

Sit down and figure it out beforehand. If you can show up
with that taken care,of you're light years ahead of all the
others clamoring for attention. I've launched many of my
top selling products using this exact strategy.

So in a word, yes! They are worth the price if you're ready.

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