Saturday, March 14, 2009

How to Get Your Emails Read

How many emails did you receive today? Of the ones that you read, did you look at the subject line before you decided to read the email? Most people do.

Email marketing is working for a lot of folks, and more people are taking advantage of it everyday. This also means more people are scrutinizing what they click to open and read.

One of the main factors people use to determine whether or not to open and read an email is the subject line. So how should you write your subject line, and what types of information should be included? Our research reveals that for starters, you should keep your subject line simple, and keep it about the subject of your email.

Email Subject Line Tips

1. Include Your Company Name - Adding your company name can increase your unique open rate by an average of five percent. It also increases your credibility and can safeguard your message from unnecessary spam reports. Including your company name also promotes and reinforces your brand, and it lets your prospects / subscribers know that your email is from a trustworthy source.

2. Use "Free" Correctly - You can use "Free" in the subject, just don't make it the first word; and do not spell it in all caps. Doing otherwise, could get your email filtered. Many people still respond to "free" and like receiving free stuff, including free reports, case studies, and current information about the real estate market. Just be sure your subject reads well with the word "free".

3. Avoid Marks & Special Characters - Two key items that spam filters look for are exclamation points, and subject lines in all caps. Make sure your emails do not include either of them. In addition, using them makes your subject looks unprofessional and reduces your open rate.

4. Use Preferences - Use words that speaks to the person's content preferences, interest, or service requests. If you are sending newsletters, inform your prospects / subscribers on things you know that will be of value to them (example subject: How to Find Good Properties at Great Prices). If you are promoting your services, talk about the benefits they will receive (example subject: How to Get Bottom Prices for Foreclosures).

5. Reflect Trust - Make sure your subject line is truthful and reflects the content in the body of your email. Avoid subject lines with "RE:" and "FW:". This lets your prospects / subscribers know they can rely on what you are saying. This also keeps you in compliance with the federal CAN-SPAM act.

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