Monday, January 30, 2012

The Young Millionaires Club - Maddie Bradshaw A millionaire by age 13

Maddie Bradshaw

A millionaire by age 13
Business: Bottle-cap jewelry for kids

Maddie Bradshaw of Dallas, Texas says her family has always been creative – and into recycling. When she was 10, she wanted to decorate her locker. So, her uncle, who had an old Coke machine, gave her 50 bottle caps. She painted them and put magnets on them, and even gave some to her friends, who loved them. She liked them so much she decided to turn them into necklaces so she could take them anywhere with her.

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With the help of mom, Diane, she withdrew $300 she had saved up from birthdays, Christmases and the tooth fairy, and went out to buy supplies. She took about 50 of the necklaces, called “Snap Caps,” to the local toy store, and they sold out in a few hours.

She made her first million by age 13. Today, m3 girl designs has 40 employees and sells over 60,000 necklaces per month in over 2,500 stores. They also make Snap Cap hair bows and Snap Cap “Huggers” to decorate your Ugg boots.

She’s at the ripe old age of 14 now and a freshman in high school. In her spare time, she wrote a book, “How to Make Millions,” which comes out Nov. 1, and is working on a new jewelry line, called “Spark of Life” that appeals to an older age group – teens. She thinks she might want to be an immigration lawyer, patent attorney or publicist when she grows up -- but admits she still has a few years to decide.

Her advice? “Follow your passion. If you come up with an idea and you love it, chances are other people will, too.”

Source: CNBC

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